Most Small Businesses Not In Cloud Despite Its Advantages, Report Says

"The cloud is, overall, a better solution for businesses than non-cloud based technology."

Most small business have yet to turn to cloud computing despite the advantages it delivers in efficiency, cost, and security, according to a recent report in PPB Newslink.

PPB cites a survey from Newtek Business Services, which found that 60% of business owners have not yet migrated to the cloud and another 60% do not store data in a data center.

Newtek Chairman, President and CEO Barry Sloane says, "Having all hardware, software and data available off-premise 24/7 should and will be a requirement for good business practice going forward.” He adds that the cloud is "all around, a better solution for business than non-cloud based technology.”

Essent offers cloud-based business management and ecommerce solutions for businesses of all sizes. Solutions range from Microsoft Office 365 subscriptions at low monthly costs, to end-to-end solutions that automate and integrate the entire sales pipeline and supply chain.

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