While so much in the world has stopped, we’re striving forward. We’ve established a Relief Fund to help companies operate with cloud technology that works remotely to promote business as usual in these unusual times.
The Essent COVID-19 Relief Fund is designed to help companies continue to operate until the business environment begins to return to normal. Companies always need a dependable system on the cloud to work remotely and keep their business running. Now, it’s vital. EssentOne is the only cloud-based ERP designed specifically for the promotional products industry, and it’s 100 percent cloud-based to work remotely, even on your smartphone.* It ensures that people are able to do their job and communicate to customers and prospects, almost anywhere they are.
People around the world have adopted technology at one of the most rapid rates of our lifetime -- to do the things, personally and professionally, that they’re accustomed to doing. Our Relief Fund helps companies who were implementing technology solutions but needed to stop; companies who suddenly found themselves in need of software that works remotely; and companies who need to reduce costs yet continue to operate, which is almost everyone.
"Even 17 years ago, your software allowed us to work remotely. There is more to the system, and business, now than there was then, but the Essent Business Management System remains as integral as ever. In this unprecedented environment, the ability to work remotely, and do so with all of the tools we're accustomed to using, is not just convenient but critical."
- Kelly Vandiver, JDA Promo President
In a recent online town hall about the promotional products industry response to the pandemic, PPAI President Paul Bellantone noted that now can be a time to work on business rather than in business. He alluded to Isaac Newton, who during his time in isolation from the bubonic plague conceived of gravity as well as the mathematic system that became calculus. William Shakespeare composed King Lear, Macbeth, and Anthony and Cleopatra in isolation from the plague. While an innovation that lasts more than 400 years is a high bar, pandemic can provide opportunity. "This is an opportunity to work on your business,” Bellantone said. "Reimagine what you want it to look like.”
And we’re redoubling that commitment now. We understand you have the time available, perhaps more than you want, to investigate new tools and new ways of working. We also understand now is not the ideal time for new, large investments. That is why Essent is offing the ability to work remotely with EssentOne now, with no subscription.
*Free subscription for qualified customers only. Requires computer, tablet, or smartphone with a modern, supported browser with internet access. Product images are for illustration purposes only. Offer subject to change or end without notice. No cash value. May not be combined with other offers. Void where prohibited by law. Terms and conditions apply. ©2020 Essent. Essent, the Essent Logo and OrderTrax are registered trademarks and EssentOne, Compass, and SiteBuilder are trademarks of Essent Corporation. All other marks are held by their respective owners.