Compass Customers running SQL Server 2005 with Software Assurance option

Attention Compass customers running SQL Server 2005 with Software Assurance option.

If you are running SQL Server 2005 and have purchased Software Assurance, Essent recommends you immediately look into your upgrade options and start planning for your upgrade to SQL Server 2008.

Software Assurance provides assistance and value to help you keep your servers running, while making your budget easier to manage. Under Software Assurance, you first purchase a license, and then pay an annual percentage fee for a variety of benefits you can use during the agreement period, including the ability to obtain a free upgrade to the next version of the product. The length of the coverage period varies based on the term of your volume license agreement. Purchase of Software Assurance is optional. If you do not want to purchase Software Assurance, you can obtain product licenses separately.

See the benefits of SQL Server 2008

Customers who have questions or need assistance with the upgrade planning or implementation can contact us at 610-559-9999.


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