Configurable PIM: Manage What Matters Most

A configurable and editable Product Information Management system is as powerful as you want it to be.
By letting businesses decide what product information they want to manage, a configurable PIM allows the management of an almost endless variety of product information. When something becomes newly more important, the business is equipped to manage it.
A configurable PIM allows the management of an almost endless variety of product information.
For example, the promotional products industry recently sharpened its focus on product safety. Promotional products companies with a configurable PIM could create safety-related sets like CPSC-certified, lead-free, children’s products, and BPA-free to better manage product safety information.
The power of a configurable PIM can also be used to reach new markets and launch new product campaigns. A company that wants to sell eco-friendly products or U.S.-made products could use a configurable PIM to categorize products as eco-friendly and U.S.-made and make them easy to find.
A configurable PIM lets a business manage all the product information that’s important – and all the product information that becomes important.
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