Kits and Bundles Optimize Marketing, Automated Inventory Handles the Rest
Marketing products in multiple ways – such as individually and as part of a group -- increases their exposure, appeals to a greater range of buyers, and creates more opportunities to sell the product.
But with an item available individually as part of kits and bundles, inventory can quickly become complicated with conflicting SKUs and complex stock keeping.
Essent ecommerce websites and company stores integrate with the back-office Warehouse Managment System to allow for flexible, automatic inventory management.
Essent ecommerce websites and company stores leverage back-office integration for automatic and accurate inventory managment. Products can be marketed individually and collectively, while integration with the Warehouse Management System manages the inventory nuance.
A product can simultaneously have multiple SKUs for each of the ways its sold and, due to the back-office integration, inventory control is performed automatically. Whether the item is sold individually or as a group, the information flows into the back office to automatically update inventory.
Essent ecommerce websites and company stores integrate with the back-office Warehouse Managment System to allow for flexible, automatic inventory management. Companies can market items in kits and bundles for optimal sales while the system handles the inventory.
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