Ecommerce Re-Marketing: Leveraging Abandoned Cart Notification and Built-In Workflow

Ecommerce Marketing Re-MarketingEcommerce marketing efforts go beyond getting buyers to your website or store. Plenty of opportunities exist in reaching out to customers after they already visited.

Automated Abandoned Cart Notifications are a powerful way to connect with shoppers who came close to buying but didn’t. And Configurable Workflow allows sellers to build a wide range of re-marketing efforts into any transaction.

Abandoned Cart Notification

Sometimes shoppers just need a reminder to check out. Now they can automatically receive it.

The majority of desktop ecommerce carts and more than 90% of mobile ecommerce carts are abandoned -- a shopper places items in a cart but doesn't check out.

It sounds like a problem but it’s really an opportunity because many of the carts can be converted via re-marketing.

Websites built on Essent technology can automatically email notifications to shoppers who abandoned carts. Shoppers abandon for a number of reasons that may have nothing to do with the products, service, or price -- they were comparison shopping, they were browsing on mobile and planned to check out later on desktop, or they just got distracted during the process, for example.

Sometimes shoppers just need a reminder to check out. Now they can automatically receive it.

Re-Marketing Workflow

The system will automatically remind staff about re-marketing opportunities.

Ecommerce sellers using Essent technology can use Workflow tools to build re-marketing into each transaction.

Workflow can be configured to remind sales representatives to follow up with a buyer in a certain amount of time after a sale, for example, or to offer cross-sales on certain types of products.

The Workflow is configurable and defined by the seller, so the re-marketing tasks can be almost anything the seller wants. The Essent Business Management System will then automatically remind staff about the re-marketing opportunities.

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